प्रिय मित्रो ,
जैसा की आप जानते हैं आज से ५०-६० वर्ष पहले मनुष्य की उम्र लगभग ११० से १२० वर्ष थी जो घटकर आज ६०-६५ वर्ष ही रह गयी है , आज के युवा वर्ग को जब हम देखते हैं तो जवानी में बुढ़ापा महसूस कर रहा है , मनुष्य का जीवन बहुत तेजी से कमजोर हो रहा है , रोगप्रतिरोधक क्षमता बहुत कमजोर हो रही है , नई –नई बीमारियां जन्म ले रही हैं , इन सबके निम्नलिखित प्रमुख कारण हैं :-
- एन ० एफ ० एल ० प्रोडक्ट्स इण्डिया प्रा ० लि ०
As u know that before 50-60 years ago the average age of human being was 110-120 years but today it has decreased to 60-65 years average. If we see the youth generation of today, it seems like old generation & of today’s man is also very less. The immunity power has also decreased to such critical level that different kinds of diseases are arising. These all outcomes are mainly due to-
Poisonous chemicals in the efficiency food!
Poisonous chemicals in water!
Polluted air in breath!
Uncertainty for employment due to huge population!
We all want to be careful about all these above mentioned things & want to live a peaceful & healthy life but we again use those Poisonous chemicals in different forms with unavoidable polluted environment. We, NFL PRODUCTS INDIA Pvt. Ltd. are going to launch many natural and herbal products (away from poisonous chemicals) in order to ameliorate & improve the quality & health of human beings.
With Regards